Personal Community for Caregivers

Category: Local Community Support


As a caregiver, you have many responsibilities to accomplish in any given day including shopping for groceries and/or other caregiving materials. Creating smaller personal communities for various tasks can balance your life as well as give more focused care for your loved ones.

For example, you can create a personal community for Community Shopping for Caregivers by including CareXc members to:

  • Coordinate days/times to go shopping together

  • Mark your availabilities if you are going shopping and are willing to pick up some items for other CareXc members

  • See who is available to pick up some items or food for you

Additional tips: Sometimes, there are local events that have exactly the same goal as yours in caring for your loved ones.

For example: Albertsons Supermarket has an ongoing event to teach people to purchase the right grocery for people living with Diabetes. You should piggy-back this type of events into your personal community to leverage your local community support.


Since you are the main organizer of this "event". You would need to have a team of people with whom you can carry this event out.

By sign/up or sign/in to CareXchange application for loved ones, you can form your own team both to go to event together as well as supporting each other in caregiving tasks:

  • Find the members who are living nearby you or having similar care experience using Your Plans and Team.

  • Contact them and invite them to join your shopping group.

  • See if you can bring some items for them or if they would like to go with you every time you need to go shopping.

  • Or if you need certain item, you can see if anyone in your team is going for shopping and can bring some items for you.

  • You can also organize a weekly shoping date using the availabilty schedule of the members on the Team Details page.